9 months well-baby checkup

As Ella continues her adventures, she is “slimming down”  at 25 lbs 5.8 oz (still ~200th percentile for weight); slowing down on her gains because she is action-packed.  She is still growing like a weed with regards to height, as she has reached 30 1/2 inches tall, again, off the charts.

 She continues to blow past all her milestones, and I wish she would slow down so I can catch up with her….my baby doesn’t want to be a baby anymore.  She’s standing up whenever she’s next to anything, moving from furniture to furniture, even bending down to pick up toys or other objects while holding herself in a standing position.  She’s not even 9 months old yet!  I’m not ready!!

Her Dr. suggested that when she’s screaming (out of frustration) for something, to reinforce with a calm voice, saying over and over what the item is, so she’ll learn to name it.  The boys are going to have to practice this, because she has them trained.   She’s already mimicking sounds, so I don’t imagine talking is far behind.

“Hi” “Mama” “Dada” and “Up” have been her first words, in that order.

 Daddy will be disappointed that we have to wait a couple more months for peanut butter, but other than that, she’s clear for all the foods we eat around here.

I’m relieved to have a healthy baby, but so sad that she is growing up so rapidly!

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Filed under motherhood

One response to “9 months well-baby checkup

  1. Eric

    I see you have a big baby much like we have, Karen. 🙂

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